In a 23rd century world where robotic “sentients” struggle for rights, a sentient gumshoe must save a mob boss’ daughter from a rival crime lord while avoiding destruction by both sides.
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Robot Detective
In a 23rd century world where robotic “sentients” struggle for rights, a sentient gumshoe must save a mob boss’ daughter from a rival crime lord while avoiding destruction by both sides.
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In the gritty Martian city of Mariner, Vox is part of a rising tide of robots who have become self-aware, passed a Sentience Test, and received a registration code from Government that entitles them to right-to-life, with more future rights promised.
Like many robots, he lives in a government-subsidized tenement. While many other robots struggle to find labor jobs, Vox — a voracious reader of gumshoe mysteries á la Raymond Chandler — has earned a small reputation solving local crimes for free.
When Mariner crime boss Thaddeus Cane “hires” Vox (against his will) to find his abducted daughter, Vox finds himself in the crosshairs of a number of powerful forces who would love to see him dead.
He travels deep into the Sub-City in search of Norella, and to answer the question: Why was she abducted? And what does it have to do with the future of The Scrapes?